Our products are proudly made in the USA.


The Best MRI Table Pads
On The Market, Period.


Patient Safety is the Number 1 Priority for Patient Comfort Systems

Dedicated To Patient Comfort And Safety

* Patient Comfort Systems was developed over a 2-year period in close cooperation with leading MRI centers. Our products are designed to conform to the specific requirements for MRI safety. Patient Comfort Systems’ patent-pending technology assures durability and patient safety.
* Fire tested for safty
* Latex free
* Patient Protection pads to prevent burns

Peter Rothschild, Founder and president of Patient Comfort Systems

Richard Nolan, MD Orthopedic surgeon’s concern patient safety radiology department

William Faulkner, B.S., R.T. (R) (MRI) (CT) FSMRC, MRSO, MRSC tm explains how to get the most out of PCS Patient Protection Pads from IES Patient Comfort System, Inc. when positioning patients into MRI.

Animation of what can happen when patients lie on torn or damaged pads in the radiology setting. Commentary by Peter Rothschild, M.D., Board Certified Diagnostic Radiologist and Founder of IES Patient Comfort Systems, Inc.

This brief video by William Faulkner B.S., R.T., (R) (MRI) (CT) FSMRT MRSO (MRSC tm) highlights the features and benefits of Patient Comfort System pads.

William Faulkner, B.S., R.T. (R) (MRI) (CT), FSMRT, MRSO (MRSC tm) discusses the role of proper patient padding to prevent thermal injury in MRI.

Dedicated To Patient Comfort And Safety

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